QPS-SAR-6 “AMATERU-III” has achieved azimuth resolution 1.8m and range resolution 0.46m at its first light images

Fukuoka, JAPAN – July 13th , 2023- Institute for Q-shu Pioneers of Space, Inc. (iQPS) released its first light images from QPS-SAR-6, named “AMATERU-III” which was launched on June 12th (US UTC) by SpaceX Falcon 9 Transporter-8 Mission. After a month of calibration, AMATERU-III demonstrated its capability to achieve ground plane resolution of azimuth direction 1.8m and range direction 0.46m (46cm) at its Stripmap mode first light image, which surpasses iQPS’ own record of the highest resolution for a private SAR satellite in Japan.
iQPS will enhance image quality further by fine-tuning satellite attitude control and commence observations in Spotlight mode (high-resolution mode) which will achieve both azimuth and range resolutions of 0.46m.
<Overview of First light images >
Observation dates & times:
[Fig.1] 0:30 a.m.(JST)July 12th, 2023
[Fig.2] 00:54 a.m.(JST)July 10th, 2023
[Fig.3] 0:05 a.m. (JST)July 9th, 2023
[Fig.1] Matsumoto-shi, Nagano (Weather: Cloudy)
[Fig.2] Toyama-shi, Toyama (Weather: Cloudy)
[Fig.3] Osaka-shi, Osaka (Weather: Cloudy)
Resolution of first light images:
[Fig.1] Ground plane resolution of Azimuth direction 1.8m x Range direction 0.46m, Off-nadir angle 30°
[Fig.2] Ground plane resolution of Azimuth direction 1.8m x Range direction 0.80m, Off-nadir angle 16°
[Fig.3] Ground plane resolution of Azimuth direction 1.8m x Range direction 0.60m, Off-nadir angle 22°
AMATERU-III has observation mode of Standard mode (Stripmap mode) which is 1.8 m resolution and High Resolution mode (Spotlight mode) which is 0.46m resolution. Our first lights are observed by Standard mode (Stripmap mode).
Imaging support: Alouette Technology Inc. https://altek.jp/
<First Light Imagry>
[Fig.1] Matsumoto-shi, Nagano

[Fig.2] Toyama-shi, Toyama

[Fig.3] Osaka-shi, Osaka

Shunsuke Onishi, CEO message
Since QPS-SAR-3 and subsequent satellites had been upgraded to establish a satellite constellation, the acquisition of images by QPS-SAR-6, marking its return after QPS-SAR-2, was a crucial milestone in the provision of near-real-time data services. We all are relieved that this day has come. I am very proud and confident of the skill and solidarity of our development team, our partners, and our operations team who calibrated the satellite in a smooth and speedy manner. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our valued shareholders, whose unwavering support has been instrumental in our project and to all those who have eagerly anticipated the commencement of our data business. Now we strive to observe in high-resolution mode so that we can present you soon with images at 0.46m resolution.